Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Heart of the Cowboy

The Durango Arts Center is hosting an exhibit entitled, Heart of the Cowboy, in association with the Durango Cowboy Gathering this month. The exhibit features the large oil paintings and drawings of Jim Bramlett, saddles of Lisa and Loren Skyhorse, Hats by Durango Custom Hat and Saddles, and a very special collection of works on paper by Will James (from the Collection of Brian Winter). Will James’ and Jim Bramlett’s books are also included in the exhibition. Senator Jim Isgar attended the opening reception and presented a check from the Colorado Council on the Arts which supports the Durango Arts Center’s arts educational outreach programs. This exhibit has offered a wealth of education programs to the children in the 9-R school district including the visual arts and cowboy poetry. In the attached photos, you will see a docent tour of the exhibit lead by DAC docents for the children of Park Elementary School. In the photograph of the check presentation, the participants (from left to right are, Brian Wagner, DAC Executive Director; Loren and Lisa Skyhorse, saddle makers; Susan Anderson, DAC Exhibits Director; Senator Jim Isgar; Brian Winter, Collector; Jim Bramlett, painter and author. The painting in the background of the check presentation is of the Durango’s Diamond Belle Saloon by Jim Bramlett.