Friday, March 23, 2007

Lindsay Obermeyer | Chicago

Lindsay Obermeyer has been making art for longer than she can remember. Both of her grandmothers encouraged this passion, providing endless bits of ribbon, yarn, lace, etc. At 17 she announced she would be majoring in underwater basket weaving, but soon decided that mastering an 8 harness floor loom was more challenging. Since graduation, her art has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the United States.

knitting, beading, embroidery, felting, dyeing, weaving, medical history, etymology, cooking, gardening, blues, jazz, funk, and last but not least - eating chocolate.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Coming Soon!

The MFA Show :: Summer 2007
This collection of works by students in CSU's master of Fine Arts program spotlights the exploration of theme, materials and the creative process. The exhibition includes work by students at various stages of the program from first year creation to thesis preparation. Students consult with the exhibit's curator to select works that represent a part of their educational journey and offer a narrative accompaniment that provides insight into their process of exploration.
This biennial exhibition is co-sponsored by CSU’s Department of Art.